Shipping Info

We are proud to offer worldwide shipping on all orders and FREE Shipping on all orders above $50 USD.

(We have temporarily suspended free shipping to Canada because of the Canadian Postal Strike. Our logistics partners have increased prices by 200%. We apologize for the inconvenience)

Most US orders arrive within 2-5 business days once shipped.

Most International orders arrive within 7-15 working days once shipped.

All orders will be dispatched from our warehouse within 1-3 business days. In peak periods please allow for up to 5 business days for dispatch.

Shipping Protection - covers customers in case the product is lost, damaged or stolen during shipment. Please notify Onecompress via email and we will send out a replacement as soon as possible.

*All international shipping times exclude clearance/customs delays. In some rare cases this can cause shipping to take up to 30 days. Please note we are not responsible for added custom fees or import fees imposed by customers country.*